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Conjunctions and interjections are easily the most used words in English writing. Unfortunately, their teeny-tiny nature makes it super-easy to miss or even notice in a sentence. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that most students and professional writers find it hard to correctly use conjunctions and interjections. With the help of an online conjunction finder in a sentence, however, you can easily identify and fix conjunction and interjection mistakes in your work.

What are Conjunctions and Interjections

Conjunctions are a part of speech used to join words, clauses, or sentences. There are three major categories of conjunctions in English writing namely;

  • Coordinating conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions are parts of speech used to link the main and subordinate clauses in a sentence. 
  • Subordinating conjunctions. Used to link similar words or elements in a sentence, and they exist in pairs. Common subordinating conjunctions include since, unless, although, while, when, etc.
  • Correlative conjunctions. These conjunctions are regular adverbs, only that they work in pairs to link words or phrases in a sentence. Good examples of correlative conjunctions include  “either/or, “both/and,” “not only/but also”, and “neither/nor” 

Interjections, on the other hand, are words used to express an emotion or feeling in a sentence. Unlike other parts of speech, interjections don’t affect the grammar of a sentence at all. Common examples of interjections include words like “yes,” “no,” “hey,” “ouch”, and “hurray.”

Conjunction and Interjection Mistakes That Our Conjunction Identifier Can Help With 

interjection checker

There are certain commonly occurring mistakes among conjunctions and interjections. Let’s briefly highlight a few of them and how our conjunctions checker can help.

Repeating conjunctions for the same function

For example:

Incorrect: Though she is rich, still she works hard.

Correct: Though she is rich, she works hard.

Using conjunctions “because”  and “therefore” in a sentence

For example:

Incorrect: Because she was tired therefore we went without her.

Correct: Because she was tired we went without her.

Using punctuation marks between subordinating conjunctions and the dependent clause

For example:

Incorrect: He did not attend the meeting. Because he was busy elsewhere.

Correct: He did not attend the meeting because he was busy elsewhere.

Failing to precede the subject with an auxiliary verb

For example:

Incorrect: Neither he goes nor he comes.

Correct: Neither does he go nor does he come.

Swapping interjections with words that have similar sounds

For example:

Incorrect: Wow, I understand

Correct:  Now I understand

Other Unique Features of Our Conjunction and Disjunction Calculator

Along with being a conjunction checker, our tool comes with a full suite of editing and proofreading features. They include; 

  • Grammar and spelling checker. Our conjunction finder can identify and fix all grammar and spelling mistakes in your texts.
  • Punctuation checker.  Along with being stylistic, punctuation marks can help readers make sense of your writing. Our interjection checker ensures that your work is correctly punctuated using commas, periods, colons, semicolons, and exclamation marks.
  • Verb checker online. In English writing, verbs are words or phrases used to convey action, occurrence, or state of being. Our online conjunction and interjection finder helps identify verb tense issues in your texts and recommends how to fix them.
  • Proper noun checkerUsing the correct nouns is important in every writing. Unfortunately, the multiple noun categories and equally multiple rules governing them can be challenging. Luckily, our parts of speech identifier tool can help point out issues relating to nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions.
  • Plagiarism checker. Our conjunction calculator scans for phrases, sentences, or passages in your work and compares them against millions of published articles and academic databases to ensure there’s no plagiarism. 

How Our Conjunction Finder Online Tool Works

Using the tool to find the conjunction mistakes in your work is as easy as it gets. Still, you don’t need to create an account with us, as the correct conjunction and determiner checker is available on our website or as a Chrome Extension.

Just follow these easy steps:

  • Copy/paste your texts on the blank tool’s interface.
  • Click the “Check” button and wait for the function determiner calculator to analyze the texts.
  • After a few seconds, the tool will identify all conjunctions and interjections mistakes and offer suggestions to fix them.
  • To correct interjection and determiner mistakes, click on the suggestions. 

Effective Tips and Tricks to Use Conjunctions in Your Sentences

conjunction checker

There are several tips that you can use to effectively use conjunctions in your writing. They include but are not limited to the following;

  • Avoid or limit starting your sentences with coordinating conjunctions. 
  • Limit the use of subordinating conjunctions as they can make your work sound repetitive.
  • Read out your work loudly to identify instances of wrong conjunction and interjection use.
  • If you don’t have the time to manually find the conjunction in the sentence/s, you can use our online checker. It will not only let you know the conjunctions and interjections in your texts but also flag all the underlying mistakes.

Use our interjection calculator to catch conjunction and interjection mistakes in your work.